Short film presented in the Fancine de Lemos contest 2017
Short film that inspired me to continue in the audiovisual world and unknowingly introduced me to art direction.
Art director. It was the first project I did as an art director but it was impossible to finish due to the unexpected pandemic. Still, one of the ones I am most proud of and from which I learned the most.
Art dossier Olvido
Art director.
La huella
Illuminator. Microtheater in which I made the idea of lights together with the lighting plant and its management during the performance.
In charge of characterization, props and actress.
El Faro - Microteatro
Obra que dirigí basada en la pelicula original de Robert Eggers
La causa de tu muerte
Corto del género thriller.
Las muñecas de Olivia
Directora de Arte. Corto que se estrenará próximamente.